Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Have Planned My Grand Attacks. I Will Stand Behind Their Backs With My Brand New Battle Axe And Will They Taste My Wrath.

Graduation day was one of the best days of my life. first off, i never have to go back to high-school, i got my hearing back when i shouted for my friends when they received their diplomas, i got to go to grad night with a bunch of my favorite people, i said what i wanted to say to all those people, i won an Ipod during the raffle, and i got the laptop i am typing on. so good.
I have been spending all my spare time this past week and two days playing the drums on rockband 2. i'm borrowing it from a friend and it's incredibly addicting. i beat every song on hard difficulty yesterday, and i started on expert today. it's starting to get pretty intense, and i feel like i'm actually becoming competent. i get to show off my skills tomorrow probably, because when the harbor friends congregate it seems like we always play rockband. i'm down.
i just realized how much i truly disliked someone from my past today. in fact, in the past two hours. she just uses people and it sickens me. she thinks she's so antisocial and that no one likes her, but everyone wants to hang out with her and she knows it. she can't be happy with what she has. or who she has for that matter. i'm sure whoever is reading this who's a girl is probably thinking, "is he talking about?" answer: YES!
i hung out with a kid a few days ago who i haven't chilled with for a while now, and i realize now why it's been so long. it's odd, he's a real nice person, and i wish the best for him, but i just can't stand him. i feel like he always talks about himself, and he can't concede anything he doesn't believe in, he talks the talk but it seems like he doesn't ever walk as well as he says as he can walk. he's just changed a lot these past few months cause he started smoking too much pot and i'm just over it, but he just keeps wanting to hang out with me. it seems like everyone who i don't want to hang out with want to hang out with me. i don't get it. that might sound narcissitic, and it probably is, and it isn't very true either, but that's what it has been feeling like lately.
i stole this from ansel adams but this is what i want my epitaph to be:
He lived for better or worse, but he died for good.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I get what you mean about people who talk big but don't follow's frustrating when you depend on them for coming prepared for a project or something, and they totally don't. :/

    Drums is fun in rock band, but I dunno if I could do expert, I'd panic!

    I wanna know who you're talking about, even though I have a guess. But I probably don't know who it is.
