Tuesday, April 14, 2009

give me strength, reserved control. give me heart and give me soul.

i have so many good ideas for movies, and i'm in a video production class, but all of them involve a good amount of effort that i need to put into movies that are actually required of me in the class. all the movies i'm making i have to work with someone on too. i hate collaborating. i don't need to bastardize my idea just because you think it would be better your way. think of your own idea before you critique mine.
i don't like coldplay's new stuff but i keep coming back to "a rush of blood to the head" and it's still so good. actually, i guess i haven't listened to viva la whatever, but i listened to X&Y quite a bit and i was unimpressed, other than the "fix you" and "speed of sound" songs.
i have been playing this new DS game i got called Etrian Odyssey ever since saturday, and i must've logged over 15 hours into it. the game doesn't have a timer on it, and i think it's for a reason. if it did have a counter, it would show that it took you (i'm guessing) 60 hours or more to beat one DS game (the average running around 20). it's just an RPG, but it's made for people who have been playing RPGs their whole lives. there are no tutorials, you get one shot by every miniboss in the game, you have to start level grinding on the first stage, you have to build every dungeon map yourself (which is crucial, otherwise you get lost and die), and you are in your first dungeon within three minutes of pressing the "New Game" button. i love it. it's intense.
two jumps in a week i bet you think that's pretty clever, don't you boy?
english class is so disappointing. the teacher never teaches anything new, she only teaches you everything you already know about how to write a persuasive essay. and we have to make posters. i'm an adult, i don't need to make an art project in my english class anymore, i'll make a power point if you need to me to present something to the class. there is so much potential for english teachers to make the class interesting, like the metamorphosis! we read that, but instead of doing something cool, like delving into what kafka was really talking about, we had to take six quotes from the short, put them in chronological order, then illustrate the scene described. i'm bad at drawing, if i wanted to draw i would take drawing/painting! i wish there wasn't a curriculum and that she would just talk with you about your individual free reading books, cause my english teacher is actually really poignant and interesting. oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Buhhh, this Etrian Odyssey game sounds like my kind of RPG.
